1·Emergence of ultroviolent rays written fiber grating brought a great jump to optical fiber communication, and photosensitive fiber is its basis.
2·Today the organization has been great jump rope game, we have classes to 1.76 per second (5-minute time, jumped a total of 529) of the results, ranked first in his class!
3·Let's jump back to Mycenae and compare the huge differences between the two to understand the great progress of Greece.
4·If we had every klutz jump into the orchestra pit, or prance on the opera stage, or slop paint with Picasso, we would have some great parties but no art.
5·For bond prices to rise on such a big jump in inflation, markets must be placing a great deal of faith in the core index as the true gauge of price pressures. Is that wise?
6·It would be great if you could always jump straight to the high-tech solution, as you can with mobile phones.
7·Turner is also very agile, being able to jump great heights and lengths, as well as sprinting.
8·The FDIC classified 171 banks as “problem” in the third quarter, a 46 percent jump from the previous period amid the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression.
9·This is great if you instantly need to be on the move after a nap, and you can bounce out of your sleeping state and jump into work feeling refreshed and energised.
10·We will be a great couple. You can jump up and down, and I can dance.